The latest news in our animals in disasters work
Our Lungs Are Burning
Since July, nightmarish fires have scorched over 6 million acres of Siberian forest. In Alaska, fires have consumed over 2.5 million acres of tundra & cold forest, making experts fear the combination of wildfires + climate change could permanently alter the region’s ecosystem.
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How Odisha’s Disaster Plan Saved People and Animal...
“India’s zero-casualty approach to managing extreme weather events is a major contribution to the implementation of the Sendai Framework and the reduction of loss of life from such events,” said Mami Mizutori, Head of the Geneva-based UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).
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Climate Change: The silent terminator that could m...
Irregular changes in climate and extreme weather events are already affecting biodiversity across the globe. Sea levels are rising, and oceans are becoming warmer, which increases the frequency of cyclones. More prolonged, more intense droughts threaten crops, wildlife, and freshwater supplies. Our planet’s diversity of life is at risk because of the erratic climate. Climate change poses a fundamental threat to species, communities, and people’s livelihood.
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Why We Need To Integrate Animals in Disaster Manag...
Although animals play a crucial role in contributing to the national economy and socio-economic development in many developing countries, they are given the last priority
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World Animal Protection provide emergency aid to y...
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From a different perspective
Throughout my career, I have been asked many times about my work in disaster management, what I did before, how I got to where I am today and how I make decisions during a particular event.
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Species–blind responses creating additional vulner...
“I lost 25 cows and 30 sheep and goats in the droughts of 2016 and 2017. I had no feed and the rivers and ponds had dried up. Things were very difficult for me. I had to rely on my only my four donkeys to fetch water for my children from very far away distances. The work was difficult for the donkeys and three died of hunger, thirst and exhaustion”
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Animals in Disasters: Sendai Framework for Disaste...
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction presented a big step forward from its predecessor the Hyogo Framework for Action
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Animals in disaster risk management
From the beginning of creation, our planet, like the other planets of the universe, has been subjected to incredible pressures and changes produced by events of different nature and origin, which are still being presented today.
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The Legal and Policy Framework for Animal Protecti...
For Dalimiya and her family, her animals are her means of subsistence. They live in Dhemaji, which in Assamese language, Dhemaji means "the playground of floods", and they constantly suffer the effects of these events on their animals. The Government of India has taken significant steps in legislation to protect farmers like Dalimiya, who depend on their animals to survive.
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The economic impact of disasters: the role of anim...
As part of its “Sendai Seven” Campaign in 2018, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction released a report to mark this year’s International Day for Disaster Reduction on 13 October.
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Legal Framework for Animal Protection in Disasters...
Costa Rica has developed a legal framework that incorporates the protection of animals in disasters.
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Animals in Disaster Risk Reduction
For more than 50 years, World Animal Protection has done everything possible to save animals that are at risk when a disaster occurs, protecting the lives of animals and people who depend on them.
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How can animal owners get ready to protect animal...
With climate change, disasters are less predictable and extreme weather is becoming more intense. Animal owners need to implement adequate measures to ensure their animals are safe, productive and healthy when disasters occur.
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Costa Rica: un modelo a replicar en la atención d...
En 2015, el Marco de Sendai sentó las bases para exhortar a que gobiernos de todo el mundo incluyan en sus planes de emergencia los medios de vida de las personas, incluyendo el salvaguardar a los animales.
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