Making livestock central to disaster response in Asia
Billions of animals affected by disasters could be protected following our recommendations at a conference in Hanoi, Vietnam earlier this year
About the conference
Our animals in disasters project manager Naritsorn Pholperm represented us at the Regional Conference on Strengthening Resilient Food and Agriculture Systems (March 15 - 16) – organised by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO).
The conference focussed on implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in the agricultural sector in Asia and the Pacific.
In 2015 we ensured that animal protection was included in the framework, which is an international agreement enabling governments to reduce disaster risks.
The conference brought together influential policy and practice leaders to examine some of the most important global disaster-related issues. It resulted in a set of recommendations to be presented and considered at the 2018 Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, and the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific.
Our recommendations, which revolved around showing livestock as a major source of livelihood, were among the 10 livestock-related points advanced for formal consideration. If implemented, it would represent a major step forward in the protection of billions of animals.
The two upcoming conferences are highly influential. They will define and shape how countries can meet their commitments to disaster risk reduction, reducing hunger and increasing food security, among other critical global issues from now until 2030.
Animals are an important part of the plans
Naritsorn said he was pleased to see participants agree that agriculture – including animals – is a key aspect of livelihood protection and must be part of plans before, during and after disasters.
He said many participants, such as Vietnam government representatives and delegates from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, were familiar with our work and welcomed our participation and contribution.